Life Insurance Sales Problems We Solve

Inadequate Sales Volume
Hiring the Right Salespeople
Long Sales Cycle
High Cost Per Sale
Too Many "Maybes" & "Think It Overs"
Prospects "Going Dark"/Disappearing
Too Many Prospects Shopping Your Offer Around

Training Info & Cost

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Your Life Insurance Sales Improvement Plan Unfolded.

Here are the lessons we’ll work on during the Life Insurance Sales Academy Training program.

Understanding How & Why People Buy

Setting the Stage for Open Conversation

Questioning Strategies of the Top 1%

Instant Influence

Advanced Questioning Techniques

Scarcity: The Most Powerful Principle of Influence

Using Psychological Reactance to Reverse Momentum

How to Ask Dangerous Questions

How to Deal With Non-Committal Words and Phrases

Ok/Not OK and The Psychology of Empathy

The Three Biggest Deal Killers

Getting Your Competition Fired

Killer Presentations


Guaranty the Sale Sticks

Delivery Options


Get your sales training where you want, when you want, without sacrificing the LIVE interaction with your trainer. This is a great option for entrepreneurs on the go or Multi-location sales teams.


Pile into the boardroom and take a deep dive into the training with this hands-on, meticulously customized, and highly effective approach.


If your business requires a specialized approach, it's no problem for us.  Sales team assessments, help recruiting and hiring, to targeted training... we can pull it off.

Training Info & Cost

Get My Customized Quote and Training Options Now

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