Leadership Insights

Regardless of whether you are a sole practitioner or the leader of a large sales team, your leadership development can increase your effectiveness and productivity exponentially!  We are proud to offer the tremendous insights of Farshad Asl, Author of the best selling book "No Excuses Mindset" and founder of Top Leaders Inc.   Enjoy!


"Leadership Ability Determines a Persons Level of Effectiveness"

John C. Maxwell, The Law of The Lid


Developing a Millionaire Mindset

We're all familiar with various "get rich schemes." The ones where self-proclaimed "experts" lure customers into purchasing programs targeted at people who believe they can buy themselves a shortcut to success.


While generating a seven-figure income isn't easy, it's definitely possible. Would you believe you already have what's needed to acquire wealth and financial security? It's true and 100 percent free. Before amassing wealth, you must cultivate a millionaire mindset first.


Did you know that eighty-five percent of millionaires are self-made? I interpret this to mean that you don't need to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to be able to live the American Dream.


While not comfortable referring to myself as an "expert," I am proud of my humble beginnings and the fact that I am living the ultimate American Dream. I've been a successful entrepreneur for almost two decades and have accumulated all that I've ever wanted in life. In addition to receiving many professional awards and accolades, I am a bestselling author of the "No Excuses Mindset" book and soon I will be hosting a new podcast series called, "The Millionaire Mindset" starting March 19th, 2019.


In the series, I will share my journey of success and teach how investing seven minutes a day can help you achieve the financial wealth and freedom you've long desired. Although it sounds cliché, you really can achieve anything in life if you can clearly see it and believe it. I emigrated to America with only four hundred dollars and could barely speak English. Those were obstacles that I never allowed to become excuses.


If you want to become a millionaire, you respect the fact that time is money. So, have you calculated how long it's going to take to earn your first million dollars? Even if you're currently netting $100K, it'll still take at least a decade before achieving your million dollar goal. If you're like me, you think that's far too long of a wait. Keep in mind that broke people will sell their time to get money, wealthy people will give their money to get time.


At the same time, your impact drives and even determines your income. It's simple. The more people you help; the more value you add. Essentially, adding value allows you to solve problems which directly correlates to generating more income.


Years ago I was told: "It's not about the hours you put in at work; it's about the value you bring to each other's lives that makes the real difference." The critical takeaway here is that if you're not adding value to each working hour, then you're not increasing your value to people. Therefore, you can't realistically expect to produce more income if you're not making the necessary positive impact.


Living life with intention is the most powerful, transformative, game-changing behavior that you can commit to right now. Intentionally investing seven minutes each day doing one or all of the activities below will positively change the trajectory of your life!


#1. READ. Plain and simple. Reading conditions the mind. Take seven minutes to learn about others who've already achieved what you're trying to accomplish. It sounds simplistic I know, but, leaders are readers. Also, millionaires acquire their wealth through knowledge. Read daily and never stop learning. Approximately eighty percent of millionaires read at least two books per month, while sixty-three percent report listening to audiobooks. Also, seventy-six percent purport to exercising at least four times per week. These facts provide valuable insight we can extrapolate from to create the guide to living our best lives. These facts show a direct correlation between the power of our daily habits, routine, and self-discipline with ascending to financial prosperity. There's a powerful link between maintaining a healthy mind by nourishing the brain through reading and conditioning the body with regular exercise.


#2. REFLECT. Take seven minutes to reflect on what you read and learned the day before. Apply what you can to your personal life. In other words, reflect on your positive actions or even mistakes, so you don't repeat them in a month or down the road a year later. Daily reflection helps you reconnect with your goals and keeps you grounded.


#3. THINK. Another simple life-hack. Invest seven minutes towards thinking about creating new ideas, strategies, and solutions towards self-empowerment and elevating your mindset. This form of purposeful thinking facilitates an opportunity to stop competing and start preparing for future collaboration with others.


#4. ACT. Dedicate seven minutes to taking massive actions towards implementing your goals. Enormous effort is analogous to the glue that brings everything together. Consider it this way: thinking without action is like trying to drive a Ferrari without an engine. What's the point, right? Every day that you waste complaining, settling for less than what you deserve, waiting for things to happen, and avoiding solutions by remaining part of the problem delays and perpetually impedes achieving personal and financial growth. Commit to doing the work required to live your best life even if you think you might fail at the beginning. Decide to take massive and unrelenting action towards achieving your goals, with the understanding that failure is part of the equation. Stop squandering your time with indecisiveness as it's the number one reason and culprit why people have average lives. You've come this far there's no reason to give up. Failure is only the end when you fail to get back up and dust yourself up and try. I promise, the harder you work, the luckier you'll become.


Now that we've laid the foundation, there's no more time to waste. Day one or one day you decide. Incorporate the previously delineated steps into your daily routine, join my coming soon podcast channel, and we'll expedite the process of developing a Millionaire Mindset!


Live With Passion!

Farshad Asl

The DNA of an Entrepreneur

"Decide, Never Give Up, and Act"


"Decisiveness is the number one quality of a dynamic leader; his ability to communicate a decision with passion and integrity is an art form."

Farshad Asl


Entrepreneurs don't have better ideas; instead they have better mindsets for taking action. Action is what sets apart an aspiring entrepreneur from a successful one. It was once said that the biggest gap in the world is the gap between knowing and doing. Action means carrying out your plan to fruition, moving forward, meeting and exceeding your goals.

"Action is the real measure of intelligence."

Napoleon Hill

ACTION requires ...

A - accountability, ability, appreciation

C- commitment, clear conscience, confidence

T-  trust, tenacity, teamwork

I-  implementation, influence, initiative

O - obedience, opportunity, open mind

N - no nonsense, never giving up, noble purpose

"Don't wait, the time will never be just right." 

Napoleon Hill

Most people would prefer to wait, wait, and wait until the perfect time has come for them to act. There is no such thing as the perfect time. Fear is the number one hindrance and obstacle in the way of action. It is very easy to get stuck in life, to find your self in a motionless state. Nevertheless, getting unstuck shouldn't be a difficult task. With the right coaching and answering the right questions, you can get down to basics.


Find your noble purpose and defeat any residue of fear. It is easy to get stuck in our own minds; getting stuck is a bad habit. With practice and consistency, this habit can be broken too. Lack of action comes from indecisiveness and a lack of commitment. Henry Ford once said, "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." You are either hot or cold; don't be lukewarm, because then you won't be of any value to your self or others. Success requires action and decisiveness.


Don't put it off; do it now! Don't rest until you do. - Proverbs 6:4


The Process of Becoming an Entrepreneur


Go from ..... To .....

  1. From Obligation to Opportunity
  2. From Excuses to Execution 
  3. From Failure to Faith
  4. From Dreaming to Doing 
  5. From Complexity to Simplicity 
  6. From Selfish to Selfless
  7. From Employee to Entrepreneur 
  8.  From Selling to Serving
  9. From Visualizing to Actualizing 
  10. From Whining to Winning 

As an entrepreneur, when your purpose and passion are in alignment, your work becomes your calling, your life becomes your dream, and your mindset becomes 20/20 in clarity.


Are you ready to take ACTION now?


Live With Passion!

Farshad Asl

The Pain of Procrastination 
the Gain of Execution

"You don't create a reputation saying what you're going to do."

-Henry Ford

Are you satisfied with the progress you're making with achieving your goals and objectives?

Admittedly, I used to procrastinate. Once I realized the impact of not taking action, I became intrigued why people procrastinate. It made me wonder why some people are wired to be more action-oriented than others. While it's proven that execution is the key to success, why do people procrastinate? Even though we know it's costly to procrastinate, many are still willing to pay the high price for doing so. Why?

We know that procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. Yet, many can't honestly explain why they procrastinate, especially when the stakes are generally damaging to their lives.

Over the decades, I've identified five basic reasons why people procrastinate. Let's review them and determine how to help you overcome this destructive habit.

Reason #1: FEAR

At the root of so many things in life is fear - and procrastination is certainly no exception. People delay accomplishing their tasks, adhering to deadlines and ultimately hurt themselves in the process because they're afraid. Fear manifests itself in many interesting and complex ways. Whether it's addressing issues, having tough conversations or worrying about how they'll be perceived by others, fear holds action hostage and individuals suffer as a result.

Reason #2: AVOIDANCE

Avoidance is essentially a coping mechanism for not doing what we're supposed to do and often times afraid to do. We choose to avoid or escape particular thoughts, feelings, and actions. However, avoidance ALWAYS makes matters worse. Whatever problem you think you have now, pales in comparison to the issue you'll eventually be forced to face. Avoidance creates terrible distance between where you are now and where you ultimately want to be.


When you lack clarity about your life - whether professionally or personally - you have no sense of urgency. When you're able to identify your passion and calling in life, you'll immediately see that clarity kills procrastination. Having a sense of purpose gives you the required fuel and fire to pursue your dreams. When you lack purpose, you'll find yourself procrastinating because you haven't figured out what to do with yourself. When your purpose is unclear, you'll constantly fall into a vicious cycle of procrastination. This happens to all of us from time to time.

Reason #4: LACK OF SKILL

Some of you may know your life purpose but don't possess the skills to fulfill your calling. However, this is the easiest of the five reasons for procrastination to fix. Remember, you don't need to master something in order to get the job done. Progress is better than perfection. However, you do have to take constant action. Think of it this way, your areas of weakness may be someone else's strength and vice versa. It's important to identify your current skill set and determine what you need to learn to advance to the next level.


When you lack clarity of vision, lack growth and have an inability to make and execute decisions - you may feel depressed and overwhelmed. Losing hope and no longer being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, is how I describe the debilitating pain of depression. It feels as though everything and everyone around you is forcing your life to come to an abrupt stop.

Here are 5 Strategies to Take Action and Eliminate Procrastination!

1st Strategy: LOVE AND PASSION

I absolutely believe when you have love and passion in your life, you can overcome fear. If you truly love what you do, the chance you'll procrastinate is significantly less.

2nd Strategy: COMMITMENT

When you recognize your purpose and pursue it with love and passion, you're able to fully commit to any task, goal or dream without hesitation and or procrastination. When you're committed to following your passion, you'll automatically possess a sense of urgency and a desire to want to achieve your desires.

3rd Strategy: CLEAR PURPOSE

Knowing who you are and what you're passionate about, brings a sense of urgency and excitement back into your life.


You've heard the saying, "If you're not growing, you're dying." It's important to have a growth versus a fixed mindset. It's important to leaderSHIFT from being goal-oriented to growth-oriented. In order to constantly evolve intellectually and personally, our actions must be intentional.


When you visualize something and can literally see yourself holding all that you want in the palm of your hand, your mind automatically begins creating a strategy for achieving it - whatever it may be. However, you must actually be able to see, feel, and truly believe with every fiber of your being that what you want you'll manifest. Personally, I know how effective the power of visualization can be for you. You simply must see the end result first. If you can do this, procrastination will subside and completely disappear from your life. Visualize what you're intentionally doing and you'll knock it out of the park!

Remember, your life will only change once you give greater energy towards intentionally committing to your dreams than you do from the comfort zone of your fear and avoidance.

There's a big difference between motion and action. Just because you get out of bed in the morning, doesn't mean you're making progress. Taking action requires decisiveness, dedication, and clear intentional action.

Live With Passion!

Farshad Asl
You Matter Because...


There are 7.6 billion people in our world; people of different colors, personalities, thoughts, and faiths. Not one person is exactly like another. Now, within this large variety of beautiful people in our world, what sets you apart?

Among everyone else, you matter because...

1 - You are wonderfully made... you're exactly who you are meant to be.    

"I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." - Psalm 139:1 

2 - You have greatness within you... you're filled with unique talents, a splendid spirit, and unmatched potential. 

"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us." - Wilma Rudolph 

3 - You are a dealer in hope... in times of trials and tribulations, your hope is contagious and lights the way for others.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

4 - You're a dream chaser... you dream bravely and act on them boldly. 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt 

5 - You are a risk taker... life is filled with opportunities for you, not excuses. Every opportunity is worth the risk. 

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." - Goethe 

6 - You have a purpose and passion for life... with a crystal clear vision for your destination. 

"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously." - Steve Maraboli 

7 - You are responsible... for your family, community and country.

"Some people strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are." - John W. Gardner  

8 - You have a powerful mind... you dare to imagine the unfathomable and act on the impossible. 

"The human mind will not be confined to any limits." - Goethe 

9 - You have a forgiving heart... you purely human and care for the health of the heart, a true "servant leader".

"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

10 - You can make a profound difference... every step you take is significant. 

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." - Mahatma Gandhi 

11 - You have a legacy to leave behind... the lives you touch will echo your name far after you're gone. 

"Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you." - Shannon L. Alder 

12 - You matter to God... He knew you before you were born and loves you eternally.

"I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isaiah 44:2 

You matter because you have a great message, you have a mission and an amazing story to impact the world. You matter every moment of your life, and you will live until you die. YES, YOU MATTER!


Live With Passion!

Farshad Asl
Have you ever found yourself being stuck in a relationship, in a job, on a project, or even in life? We all get stuck in life sometimes, but here are three steps to getting unstuck:

1 - Acceptance

The number one reason why people stay stuck is because they cannot accept that they are stuck. Accept that you are stuck, that something needs to change, that you have plateaued, and that you have stopped growing. Realize and understand where you are in life. Understand that everyone gets stuck sometime or another, people just respond differently. How will you respond?

"Be the hero of your own story. You were born to turn your mess into a message, and the test into a testimony."

2 - Decisiveness

Indecisiveness is the number one reason for failure. Lack of ability to make a decision in a timely manner causes most people to fail with their projects and plans. Identify this challenge and decide to no longer let it be a setback from your success. Remind yourself why you started all of this to begin with. Do your passion and purpose lie within the mess you find yourself in?

"Decisiveness is a characteristic of high performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all." - Brian Tracy

3 - Change

Once you accept your circumstances and decide to take action, you can welcome change. Change is an opportunity to form new habits and become who you are meant to be. Then, get busy! Begin with focused activities:
  • Do what you don't feel like doing.
  • Do what average people won't dare to do.
  • Do what you feel or think is impossible to do.
  • Do what losers avoid doing and what winners strive to do.
  • Do as you first did, get back to basics.
  • Turn your concern into interest and your interest into action!

"Change is the process of conquering fear by getting out of your comfort zone and living daily in your God-given gift zone."

Practice these three simple steps and live a life of progress and perseverance.
Live With Passion!
Farshad Asl
I was so amazed when I heard the quote: "Everyone lives by selling something." Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of the classic, "Treasure Island," coined the phrase.
Why are so many people hesitant about accepting business opportunities dealing with sales? By and large, the nature of this type of transaction is misunderstood. Some consider sales to be scary, self-serving, and perhaps even superficial. However, I believe such definitions are blatantly incorrect.
In the world of sales, the objective is to close the deal. And closing the deal isn't just about selling, it's about MOVING people from where they are to where they should be. Helping them make the right choices and take the required action towards gaining financial freedom, peace of mind, and establishing a legacy.
The English Dictionary defines "selling" as the job and skill of persuading people to buy things. Understandably, some may see it as manipulating people to buy things they don't need.
During one of my training sessions, I asked a group of salespeople about the "definition of selling." I was amazed when the group came up with more than 30 different definitions. I selected the top 15 to help you understand their perspective.  In reality, selling is:
1. Serving people
2. Collaborating
3. Building trust and relationships
4. Identifying needs
5. Adding Value
6. Presenting solutions
7. Bridging the gap
8. Generating awareness
9. Establishing a sense of urgency
10. Building Assets
11. Designing opportunities
12. Helping others to take action
13. Providing relief
14. Creating peace of mind
15. Coaching
After many successful decades working in the sales industry, I can attest that selling is serving people, asking questions, actively listening, engaging the client, and supporting their decisions.
"You don't close a sale; you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise." - Patricia Fripp

The Power of Words

My favorite quote about the power of words says, "Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble." -Yehuda Berg
What words are in your vocabulary? Which ones are you planning to remove? Words directly impact the outcome of our realities. They're the result of our thoughts. In turn, thoughts become the basis for feelings, and feelings become actions. Moreover, actions bring consequences; whether desired or fearful outcomes and results.
Words reveal what we think and value most, and they're the forecast of our actions. Results are just the outcome. If you want to change the results, change your vocabulary and your beliefs. For instance, if you're feeling exhausted, frustrated, or sad and depressed, change your mindset and clear your thoughts as they impact everything else. Feeling good, generates a positive outlook and comparable related words.
The other words and limiting false beliefs you should immediately remove from your vocabulary ingrained in your subconscious mind are:

I am too old

I can't do it

I am not worthy

I am not skilled enough

I am not educated

Enough of that nonsense. When are you going to value yourself exactly as you are today? It's time to reset your mentality and your financial blueprint for acquiring success and wealth. Everything that you've ever experienced seen, and heard as a child, is still embedded in your subconscious mind. Do an internal self-audit and purge all those restrictive beliefs that are harming you as an adult. For instance, if you continue to believe that:

Rich people are greedy

You can't be rich and spiritual

Money doesn't bring happiness

Money doesn't bring love

Money is the root of all evil

You have to work hard to make money

We can't afford it

To change your subconscious mind, you must intentionally select your words, thoughts, and actions. I have an exercise designed to help you remove some of these hazardous mental roadblocks. Start by asking yourself, "What does my money blueprint look like?" Remember all of us have a psychological blueprint in our subconscious minds that correlate to our levels of health, physicality, success, and especially money. Every time you think and feel oppressed by limiting thoughts and false beliefs, convert them to the following statements:

You can't be rich and spiritual => ACTUALLY, I can be successful and create financial prosperity while exercising my spirituality.

It takes money to make money => ACTUALLY, it takes creativity to make money.

I am too old to have the life I really desire => ACTUALLY, you're never too old to learn and change the course of your life.

Money doesn't bring love => ACTUALLY, being broke repels healthy relationships.

Money is the root of all evil => ACTUALLY, money provides more options.

You have to work hard to make money => ACTUALLY, you need to work "right" to make money.

We can't afford it => ACTUALLY, we'll do what it takes to make the purchase happen.


You have a higher purpose for creating wealth and a successful life. Invest your time wisely by focusing on the higher purpose. You do this by giving back which elevates your success to significance. Adjust your mindset towards positivity and eliminate restrictive, unhealthy habitual thought-patterns that never served your best interests. And override your subconscious mind by intentionally selecting positive words, thoughts, actions and healthy supportive relationships. Continue reading articles which provide potent techniques designed to elevate your game and help you achieve what you now know is no longer impossible!

"You can change the course of your life with your words." ~Anonymous

Live With Passion!
Farshad Asl
Getting to Life's Sweet Spot
For things to change, you must be willing to change. Why choose to be average and settle for mediocrity when you can enjoy the life of dreams? It's time to exceed the status quo.
We know it's important to change for the better. However, many of us don't know how to implement the desired change. Sometimes, we feel stuck. Or like we can't move, it's as if we're trapped in a stagnant plateau.
For instance, you may feel you're in a professional and economic rut. Have you been earning the same income for the past decade? Does it feel like the corporate structure of your job isn't changing, and now you feel there's nothing left?
I developed three life-changing approaches for dislodging feelings of being stuck. If you want a longer more detailed explanation, I encourage to read my book The No Excuses Mindset.
If you don't first arrive somewhere how can you turn around and change direction? Decades ago, I learned accepting you've plateaued and are stuck is the perfect catalyst for massive change. Admitting such truths is harder than it seems. It's uncomfortable confronting, recognizing, and acknowledging you're not where you want and need to be. From this vantage point you can easily slip into a rabbit hole of despair. However, these negative feelings can be constructive and powerful motivation catapulting you from your comfort zone. A comfort zone is really a euphemism for being stuck. Facing the uncomfortable truths, accepting where you've been, where you are, and where you want to be - transforms your mess into your message and test into a powerful testimony.
Being indecisive is the primary reason businesses, organizations, and entrepreneurs fail. The inability to pull the trigger and move forward executing decisions produces grave consequences. When you're unable to execute timely decisions, projects and plans fail. Therefore, identify how being indecisive has held you back. More importantly, how is it currently sabotaging your growth and success? Make a command decision to start being decisive. Indecisiveness is a terribly costly setback.
Brian Tracy, renowned motivational public speaker, self-development coach, and prolific author, said: "Decisiveness is a characteristic of a high-performing man or woman. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all." Personally, I was stuck when launching my insurance business. I had succumbed to a defeatist mentality. And I accepted the notion that making around three thousand dollars per month was good enough. However, when I realized that other agents with similar backgrounds, same training, and equal support were earning five times more than me, something clicked! I began challenging myself and my life and income drastically changed. I learned that my colleagues were willing to be uncomfortable in order to grow and thrive. They recognized early on the inherent value of accepting the need for growth and change.
When you face the uncomfortable truth and recognize that change is the prerequisite for welcoming new opportunities that when the magic happens! Change is a valuable opportunity to form new habits and become who you're meant to be. Change requires that you commit to doing exactly what you don't feel like doing every day.
Commit to:
  • Doing what average people won't dare to do (be above average)
  • Doing what feels impossible
  • Doing what losers avoid doing and what winners strive to do
Remember, change requires conquering your fears and getting out of your comfort zone.
Living daily in your God-given gift zone is the sweet spot of life!
The Law of Tradeoffs as described in John Maxwell's book, "The 15 Laws of Growth," completely changed my life. It says, "You have to give up to go up." Yes, to go up, we need to give up. This means that you must be willing to give up financial security today for potential monetary prosperity tomorrow. It means being willing to give up immediate gratification for personal and sustainable growth later. It means abandoning the fast-life for the good life. It means rejecting security for significance. It means sacrificing the benefits for me for the betterment of others. It means discarding leverage for legacy.
Remember, acceptance is the first step of the change. Decisiveness is the second step and change occurs by taking massive action.
Live With Passion!
Farshad Asl



Over the past twenty years, this one activity has elevated the quality of my life. I want to share the power of seven-minute journaling. Collectively over the years, I've recorded thousands of pages.
My experience journaling has revealed there's a right and wrong way of doing so. In other words, you may journal but, are you doing so consistently and correctly? Every night, I suggest journaling for seven straight minutes. Additionally, incorporate the following:
  1. Identify three areas where you experienced success in the day.
    Record and reflect upon the three wins you achieved. This will help youcombat the negative thoughts that permeated into your consciousness throughout the day. This exercise facilitates positive feelings and assists in recognizing the good in your life.
  2. Identify three areas that perplexed and challenged you earlier in the day.Interestingly enough, I've noticed that the simple act of writing my problems down before going to bed, helps generate solutions while sleeping. Seriously, I cannot tell you how many times I awoke with a better, more confident outlook feeling equipped to deal with the challenges I wrote about the night before. The subconscious mind is remarkably powerful and capable of doing what we often cannot do with extreme focus and concentration. You've heard the phrase, "paralysis by analysis." When we push too hard searching for answers, we can draw a blank.
  3. Identify three lessons learned from the day. Write down the failures you experienced during the day and the three powerful lessons you gained as a result. People are quick to say they have experience in various areas of life. However, experience on its own is useless. But, an evaluated experience is priceless.
  4. Identify three areas in life where you're the most grateful. Have you ever noticed that it's impossible to be grateful and unhappy simultaneously?
  5. Identify three thoughts or ideas weighing on your heart and mind.
    Always remember thoughts and ideas will become your reality, especially once you've written them down.
The second part of effective journaling consists of starting your day writing down your vision, action plan, and people you need to meet. If you need assistance, I suggest utilizing the Success Planner, the accompaniment to The No Excuses Mindset book, Amazon's bestseller. This is a ninety-day journal that contains motivational daily quotes and sections for recording your vision, action plan, and journaling. Mostly, all the steps we've discussed thus far are in this book for your ease and convenience.
Journaling seven minutes in the evening and morning will represent the most valuable fourteen minutes of your entire day. These fourteen minutes will save years and years of your life.
Here is a very unique No Excuses journal, a daily reminder, that you too can turn your success into significance by staying laser focused on the things that you have full control over and not on the things you have no control over. For 90 days, dedicate yourself to living life with No Excuses. Take charge of your life and begin your season of success and significance; turn your excuses to excellence. A Season for Success A Season for Significance A Season for NO EXCUSES. Order your copy today: "SUCCESS PLANNER"